Marketing & PR Position for F&B Brands in Shanghai
We’re looking for a Marketing & PR professional to fill in a position available immediately. This position will be supporting several top F&B brands in Shanghai in Restaurants, Bakeries, Bars,...
Responsibilities :
- Digital Strategy: build each brand's digital strategy
- Content Marketing: Produce articles, flyers, offers to spread across different social media platforms including WeChat, Facebook, Instagram, Douyin,...
- PR & Relationships: Maintain and build a connection with community, KOLs, media, Associations,...
- Marketing: Develop a cross-marketing offer among our different brands
- Perform market analysis and research on the competition
- Assist in marketing and advertising promotional activities for our clients
- Assist on managing Eleme, Meituan
Preferred Qualifications :
- At least 2 years experience in F&B Marketing in Shanghai (Dianping, WeChat, Eleme, Meituan, Facebook, Instagram)
- Fluent in Chinese and advanced proficiency in written and spoken English
- Detail-oriented with excellent organization skills and the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously
- All-in attitude! You take personal ownership
- Passionate about Food, Beverages, Culinary, Chefs, Restaurants, Recipes, Marketing
- Knowledgeable about social media (in both Western and Chinese environments).
- Good sense of what is “good design”
- Planning and organization skills
- Good communication skills and teamwork (working with different brands will require good skills in management)
NextStep Studio is supporting F&B / Food and FoodTech entrepreneurs in accelerating their growth in China. As investors and advisors we are all-in in projects and we are part of the team with our founders. As a startup studio, we identify needs in the market and use our portfolio companies to validate the market fit. We then develop solutions and build a team to solve this pain point.
If you’re looking to get your feet wet in Marketing and believe you’re the one we’re looking for, please contact us at
- 数字化战略:为每个品牌打造数字化战略方案;
- 内容营销:为品牌的各个社交媒体账号,如:微信、Facebook、Instagram、抖音等,创作推文;
- 公共关系:建立并维护与社区、KOL、媒体及协会的联系;
- 市场营销:开发不同品牌间的交叉营销方案;
- 开展基于竞争对手的市场分析及研究;
- 协助客户进行市场营销及广告促销活动;
- 协助管理饿了么及美团店铺;
- 至少2年上海餐饮行业市场营销经验(点评、微信、饿了么、美团、Facebook、Instagram);
- 中文流利,具备良好的英文听、说、读、写能力;
- 注重细节,具备出色的组织能力和同时处理多项任务的能力;
- 具有全力以赴和对自己负责任的态度;
- 对食品、饮料、烹饪、餐厅、食谱以及营销相关事务充满热情;
- 对中、西方社交媒体具有充分了解;
- 真正理解何为“优秀的设计”;
- 良好的规划和组织能力;
- 优秀的沟通能力和团队合作精神(与不同品牌合作所需要具备的管理技巧);
NextStep Studio为餐饮及食品科技企业提供专业支持,加速其在中国市场的业务拓展。作为投资者和顾问,我们全身心地投入到项目中,成为创始人团队的一部分。作为一个创业工作室,我们甄别市场需求,运用我们的投资组合公司验证市场契合度,然后针对主要难点开发最佳解决方案及组建团队。
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